DR ISIDOR'S MODERN HOLISTIC HERBAL CLINIC MOTTO: Good Health is our priority. Located at Cow Street, Nkwen, Bamenda opposite Christ the King College. SERVICES (TREATMENTS) OFFERED - Diabetes/ Hypertension - Malaria and Typhoid Fever - Gastritis / Gastric Ulcers - Rheumatism/ Arthritis / Gout - Pile or Haemorrhoid (Internal and External) - Sexual weakness - Infertility (Men and Women) - Fibroid or Growth - Sexually Transmitted Infections Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes and all microbial infections - Cough (chronic) - Herpatitis A, B, C and E - Enlarged Prostrate Cancer - Hernia Tel: +237671455015 +237662266134 CAMEROON HOSPITALS AND DOCTORS CHD EMAIL: Tel: +237696896001/ +237678401408/671262198